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发布时间:2023-02-13 16:55:09 来源:网友投稿



  l 表示赞成。
  l 提出你喜欢的栏目。
  l 简要说明理由。
  1. 词数100左右。
  2. 新的开头和结尾已为你写好。
  3. 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  4. 参考栏目:栏目—column
  Dear Mr. Green,
  I am very excited to learn that we are going to start a magazine together. That sounds great! And I definitely agree with you on that.
  Some of the columns which you mentioned in the letter are really my cup of tea. Say, “culture express” gives us a better understanding of the world. Since people from different parts of the world have different values, it’s necessary to learn from each other. This will offer a wonderful chance. Apart from that, “blurt out” is pretty good for Chinese students to learn English idioms and improve oral English. Last but not least, “entertainment” is so cool! The popular singers, actors and celebrities are so catchy and attractive that you absolutely can’t miss it! Teenagers are just fond of the trendy things.
  Well, I can’t list more. I really can’t wait to read that magazine!
  Yours faithfully,
  Li Hua
  比如说:my cup of tea, apart from that, oral English, last but not least, celebrities, catchy和trendy的大胆运用,list, can"t wait to 简直是perfect! 况且文章中没有一个错误,不管是书写还是语法。英语能够学到这种程度,不可谓不让人佩服。

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